Fun Fact File - Diamonds

Diamonds were originally used to polish axes :/ who knew -Harvard physicist Peter Lu  found that ancient Chinese used diamonds to polish ceremonial burial axes over 4,500 years ago.

  • 4 Things to look out for when purchasing a diamond: (The 4 C's)

  •   Clarity: Diamonds contain miniature parts of non-crystallised carbon. If theres too much, it will interfere with the light and detract from the sparkliness (**,) making your diamond less valuable :( The fewer the inclusions the rarer the stone. Inclusions are not visible to the naked eye, only through a magnifier.

  • Colour: Diamond colour grades start at "D" and continue through the alphabet. Although the presence of colour can make a diamond less valuable ie) yellowish/brown, some diamonds are found to have extraordinary colours (red, blue, pink, green and bright yellow) and are extremely rare and expensive  

  • Carat: This refers to the weight of the diamond rather than it's diameter. 1 carat is divided into 100 points so a 25 points is described as a quarter carat or 0.25 carats. The larger and rarer the more expensive the per carat will be.

  • Cut: The cut gives each diamond it's unique sparkle by allowing the maximum light to enter and reflect back (Just writing this my eyes are getting all sparkly (**,). Be sure that the diamond is not cut too shallow or too deep.

The better diamond is smaller but is valuable because of its quality. The larger diamond is valuable because it is large, but is worth less per carat because it's not of a high quality.

Happy Friday!!

Kavi <3


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