History creates meaning and one can learn from it despite how *meh* it can be at times. I often think about identity and how one would go about describing oneself. I find myself at many times wondering (I day dream from time to time) how one should respond to the question "Who are you". My name simply constitutes a part of my identity. Diamond Rings and other things... If you were wondering why I chose the title then read on I say, read on! :D Having been born in April, my birthstone is the diamond. Being born and having things start a new does carry certain symbolizations and connotations with it and so I knew the title had to be fitting with something "new" to me. Rings are also symmetrical and signify commitment (hehe commitment to an awsome blog) and are never ending. Have you ever just taken your ring off and looked through it with one eye *like some sort of pirate lol!* it gives you a new perspective to the things around you. *some preciou...