Mirror, Mirror on the wall... Whose the fairest of them all? I recently read a blog post by the beautydoc365 on her blog "The Jade Lotus" titled "Why are Asians obsessed with fairness? The Snow-White complex vs. Tanorexia". You can read about it here : http://thejadelotusbeauty.blogspot.com/2011/12/why-are-asians-obsessed-with-fairness.html Then I stumbled across the "Facekini". This is the latest craze to hit China as swimmers and beach-goers try to avoid getting a tan. The facekini mask completely covers the swimmer's face only leaving the eyes, nose and mouth exposed. It reminded me a lot of the "balaclava" in terms of the look and design. Balaclava Facekini According to NBC news, "The styles and colours of the masks suggest a huge happy beach party attended by some lesser supreheroes, Mexican wrestlers and perhaps a few bank robbers is underway. In fact, government officials have become concerned that the ma...